Interactive CV

Undergraduate Exercise Physiology

HPED 570
Self Paced Learning Sample
HPED 442
Sample Rubric
HPED 731
HPED 105
HPED 569
HPED 445
National Endocrine Presentation
Public Health Forum, Greensboro, NC, 2006
Statement of Teaching Philosophy
Health Disparities Grant- Healthy Lifestyles
USDA Grant- Baseline College Obesity-Related Risk
Prevalence of Type II Risk in Elderly
Lifestyle Activity vs. Traditional Activity & Obesity-Related Risk Factors


North Carolina A&T State University

                 Department of Human Performance and Leisure Studies


                                    Physiology of Sport and Exercise

                                                    (HPED 570)


Instructor:                  Brenda Swearingin, PhD (ABD)
Semester:                   Spring 2006
Meeting Times:         T/R  9:00 am – 10:20 am, Corbett Center, Room 101
Office:                         Corbett Center Room G-01 a , Phone 334-7712
Web Site:
Office Hrs:                 M/W 1:30 pm - 2:50 pm

                                    T/R 10:30-11 am and 4:30-5 pm

                                    F  8-10 am and by appointment
Prerequisites:             REQUIRED=Biology 100-341 or 369 & 370,and HPED 445

Required Text:          Wilmore, J.H. and Costill, D.L. Physiology of Sport and Exercise. 3rd Edition (2004), Human Kinetics; Champaign, IL.


Course DescriptionApplication of human physiology principles to sport, exercise and training with regard to body systems and performance.


Rationale: The initial study of exercise physiology requires the student to have prior competency in basic human anatomy and physiology. This course provides a theoretical basis for understanding the body's physiological responses to exercise.  Additionally, the course investigates how the support systems of the body (respiratory, cardiovascular, muscular, etc.) respond to the varying intensities of exercise. Emphasis will be placed upon the practical application of exercise physiology principles to coaching, teaching, and other physical training practices. For students who wish to pursue further studies in exercise physiology or related graduate fields, a thorough mastery of this fundamental information is extremely important and provides the foundation for more advanced study in exercise bioenergetics, biochemistry, physiology, physical therapy and sports medicine.


Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

Cognitive Objectives

            Define the term exercise physiology.

            Define the principle of individuality.

            Define the principle of specificity of training.

            Define the principle of progressive overload.

            Define the principle of disuse.

            Describe the major components of a resistance training program.

            Explain the basic structure and function of human skeletal muscle.

Describe the normal functioning of the human nervous system and its roles in human movement.

            Describe the relationship between energy production and oxygen consumption.

Identify the specific energy pathways for various physical activities and sporting events.

            Describe the hormonal regulation of metabolism during physical activity.

Explain the metabolic adaptations to the human body after acute and chronic exercise training.

            Describe the basic anatomy and function of the cardiovascular system.

Explain the cardiovascular adaptations occurred through chronic endurance training.

            Understand thermal regulation in the human body during exercise.


Psychomotor Objectives

            Conduct various aspects of fitness testing in humans.

                        Muscular strength and endurance assessments

                        Flexibility assessments

                        Cardiorespiratory testing

                        Pulmonary function testing

            Create appropriate testing alternatives for various field settings.

Design an appropriate exercise program using the scientific principles of exercise prescription.   


Affective Objectives

Value the importance of understanding the physiological responses to exercise and physical activity.      

Value the usefulness of fitness testing procedures.

Develop a positive attitude toward utilizing basic physiological principles in developing healthy individuals.




Course Schedule:  During the length of this course we will discuss the following information:


Chapter           Topic

NA            Introduction and Overview

1,4,7,8*     Exercise Physiology Primer: Review of Anatomy and Physiology

Exam #1

1                    Muscular Control of Movement

2                    Neurological Control of Movement

3                    Neuromuscular Adaptations to Resistance Training

Exam #2           Essentials of Movement           

4                    Metabolism and Basic Energy Systems

5                    Hormonal Regulation of Exercise

6                    Metabolic Adaptations to Training

Exam #3           Energy for  Movement 

7                Cardiovascular Control During Exercise

8                Respiratory Regulation During Exercise

9                                Cardiorespiratory Adaptations to Training

Exam #4           Cardiorespiratory Function and Performance


    10                Thermal Regulation and Exercise

    11                Exercise in Hypobaric, Hyperbaric, and Microgravity Environments

    12                Quantifying Sports Training

    13                Ergogenic Aids and Performance

    14                Nutrition and Nutritional Ergogenics

    15                Optimal Body Weight for Performance

    16                Growth, Development, and the Young Athlete

    17                Aging and the Older Athlete

18                                Sex Differences and the Female Athlete

19                                Prescription of Exercise for Health and Fitness

20                                Cardiovascular Disease and Physical Activity

21                                Obesity, Diabetes, and Physical Activity

Exam #5           Optimizing Performance in Sport (special topics)                      




Exam #1                                   100 Points                   

Exam #2                                   100 Points                   

Exam #3                                   100 Points                   

Exam #4                                   100 Points

Exam #5                                   100 Points                   

Quizzes (5)                                 40 Points

Labs                                           40 Points

Participation grade                       20 Points                  


                                                600 Points

Note: No make-ups on exams, quizzes or labs without written medical (or similar university-accepted) excuse. See student handbook for details.





A+       97% - 100%                            C+       77% - 79%                                                     

A         93% - 96%                              C         73% - 76%

A-        90% - 92%                              C-        70% - 72%

B+       87% - 89%                              D+       67% - 69%

B          83% - 86%                              D         63% - 66%

B-        80% - 82%                              D-        60% - 62%

F          00% - 59

Instructional Strategies
The instructor will use the following strategies during the course of instruction:
Computerized/digital lecture presentations
Computerized/digital oral/written quizzes
Web-based study
Class discussion
Demonstrations and brief laboratory experiences
CD ROM self-paced learning- Interactive Physiology


Attendance: While class attendance IS REQUIRED, I do not have an attendance policy that penalizes students for excessive absences. Rather, attendance affects grades through the lowering of the participation grade, the inability to make-up quizzes and in-class assignments missed for non university-excused absences, and the lower quality of work that typically results from the loss of instruction. Roll will be recorded, including notations concerning late arrival and early departure.

Punctuality: Students are expected to come to class on time and stay for the whole period. Should late arrivals or early departures interfere with the provision of a quality learning environment, these concerns will be addressed individually and may lead to the inclusion of late penalties or dismissal from the course.

Excused Absences Defined: Excused absences are the following:

  • Illness of the student or serious illness of a member of the student's immediate family.
  • The death of a member of the student's immediate family.
  • Trips for members of student organizations sponsored by an academic unit, trips for University classes, and trips for participation in intercollegiate athletic events. When possible, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor prior to the occurrence of such absences.
  • Major Religious Holidays. Students are responsible for notifying the instructor in writing of anticipated absences due to their observance of such holidays no later than the last day for adding a class.

Written documentation will be required for all excused absences.

If you do not contact the course coordinator within one week of missing a test assignment or quiz, or during the next class period you attend (whichever comes first), your absence will be counted as unexcused.

Missed announcements, instructions, assignments, etc. due to the absence(s) will not constitute acceptable reasons for failing to meet subsequent deadlines. It is the student's responsibility to learn the content of the missed classes and to initiate arrangements with the coordinator for making up the work.

NOTE: See definition of excused absences in the current edition of the A&T Student Handbook. No absence can be designated "excused" until documentation has been provided and verified. Absences due to minor conditions (lack of transportation, slight discomfort, conflict with an appointment, etc.) are considered unexcused, as are absences for registration or advising.


Missed Assignments, Quizzes or Tests: Students must take the exams at the scheduled time. In case of a legitimate unforeseen conflict (illness or death in the family), the student MUST contact the instructor within one class period after the scheduled exam in order to have an opportunity to take the test. In case of other conflicts the student MUST inform the coordinator at least a week in advance. Notification of a conflict DOES NOT necessarily validate the need for a specially scheduled exam. The instructor will make that decision.

Extra Credit: Throughout the semester several opportunities will be made available for students to attain extra credit (such as the participation in research activities, class projects, special assignments and viewing of Interactive Physiology CD modules)


Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty defined from the NCAT Student Code of Conduct: dishonesty in quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit for work not done or done by others; hindering the academic work of other students; misrepresenting academic or professional qualifications within or without the University; and nondisclosure or misrepresentation in filling out applications or other University records. The Sport Science faculty supports the importance of academic integrity. A student violating academic dishonesty guidelines will receive an “F” for the course. A second violation will result in the student being withdrawn from the Sport Science program.


Lab Reports: For each lab report, students will turn in a lab report. Please BULLET each section. More instructional guidelines for the lab will be introduced with the actual laboratory.
Introduction: Up to 150 words describing the physiological component of the lab.
Methods: Describe in detail what went on in the lab.
Conclusions: Up to 150 words discussing the findings and outcome of the lab.

Special Needs: Qualified students with special needs should see the instructor as soon as possible.

Professional Courtesy: Please make sure you turn off all cellular phones and audio-activated pagers in class. Students are expected to attend class, be on time for class and stay until the end of class according to handbook guidelines as of Fall 2005. Note will be taken of attendance and any problems with regard to this matter will be addressed individually. A course of action for those not in accordance with this university policy may include, but is not limited to,  a plan that will include attendance as a component of the students grade or dismissal from the class. Be respectful of fellow learners and yourself- BE HERE ON TIME and FOR THE DURATION OF THE CLASS.

Laboratory Attire: All students should bring comfortable workout gear for the laboratory experiences.

Laboratory Reports: Laboratory reports are due on the date specified. No late papers will be accepted. Students must be present at labs to receive credit for the report.

Scholarly Questions, Analytical Thinking, and Interactive Quizzes: Study questions and quizzes will be available at the text website. These quizzes are intended to help students prepare for the exams. The interactive quizzes are directly from assigned readings in the text. Student are expected to be prepared for class, and scholarly questions are encouraged.

Diversity: Where appropriate, this course will address racial, cultural, and gender differences in regard to health and exercise values attitudes and behaviors and will explore the importance of cultural sensitivity in teaching methodologies.


A.        Books


Powers, S.K. & Howley, E.T. (1997). Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance. (3rd edition). Dubuque, IA: Brown & Benchmark.


Foss, M.L. & Keteyian, S.J. (1998).  Fox's Physiological Basis for Exercise and Sport. (6th edition). Boston, MA: WCB McGraw-Hill.


McArdle, W.D., Katch, F.I., & Katch, V.L. (1994). Exercise physiology: energy, nutrition and human performance. (4th ed).  Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.


B.       Journals

Medicine & Science in Sports

Journal of Applied Physiology

European Journal of Applied Physiology

NSCA Strength & Conditioning Journal

Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport


C.       Leading Theorists

Wilmore, J.                   Saltin, B.

Costill, D.                     Gollnick, P.

Holloszy, J.                   Edgerton, R.

Cureton, K.                  Cooper, K.

Astrand, P.O.               Dill, D.B.         

Hill, A.V.                      Robinson, S.

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