Muscular System:
Neuromuscular Junction
1. What insulates each muscle cell?
2. Synaptic vesicles in the axon terminal
of a motor neuron contain what
neurotranmitter? _________________________
3. An action potential in the axon
terminal of a motor neuron opens what type of ion channels? _________________________
4. By what means of membrane transport
does the neurotransmitter leave the
axon terminal? _________________________
5. Binding of neurotransmitter to
the receptors on the motor endplate open
what type of ion channels? _________________________
6. Opening of these channels leads
to _________________________ of the motor endplate.
7. How is the neurotransmitter removed
from the synaptic cleft?
8. As a result of question 6, an action
potential is propagated along the
_________________________ of the muscle cell and down the _________________________
into the cell.
9. The result of this action potential
releases what ion from the terminal cisternae? _________________________
10. a. What effect did molecule "X"
in the quiz have on the muscle contraction?
b. Explain its mechanism of action.
c. What drug did molecule "X" act like?
11. a. What effect did molecule "Y"
have on the muscle contraction?
b. Explain its mechanism of action.
c. What drug did molecule "Y" act like?
12. a. What effect did molecule "Z"
have on the muscle contraction?
b. Explain its mechanism of action.
c. What drug did molecule "Z" act like?
Muscular System:
Sliding Filament
1. a. The thick filament is composed
of what molecule? _________________________
b. Flexing the head of this molecule
provides what is known as the _________________________.
2. The cross bridge (myosin head)
contains binding sites for what two molecules?
3. Three molecules make up the thin
a. Which molecule has a binding site
for myosin cross bridges? _____________________
b. Which molecule covers this binding
site? __________________________________________
c. Which molecule has a binding site
for calcium ions? ______________________________
4. What molecule must bind to the
cross bridge in order for it to disconnect with actin? _________________________
5. Hydrolysis of the molecule in question
4 returns the myosin molecule to the
_________________________ confirmation.
6. Binding of the cross bridges sequentially
prevents _____________________ of the
thin filament.
7. Name three roles for ATP in the
contraction of muscle.
8. What molecule is connected to the
Z line? __________________________________
9. Which of the following shorten
during contraction? (may be more than one)
a. Thin filament
b. Sarcomere
c. H zone
d. Thick filament
10. a. What is the name of the condition
in which muscles become rigid after
death? _________________________________
b. What is this condition due to?
Muscular System:
Contraction of
Whole Muscle
1. Which of the following contract
in an all or none fashion?
a. Whole muscle b. Single muscle fiber
2. The development of tension in a
muscle, in response to a stimulus above
threshold, is called a _______________________________.
3. Identify the three phases of a
muscle twitch from the following definitions:
a. Sarcomeres shorten _______________________________
b. Sarcomeres return to resting length
c. Sarcomeres at resting length _______________________________
4. a. Temporal summation results from:
b. In temporal summation, you must ______
(orØ) the time interval between
5. Below is a list of the five phases
of temporal summation. Put in the correct order and describe each stage.
6. In the Motor Unit Summation section,
how many motor units were required to lift the weights when:
a. the weight was 160? ______________________
b. the weight was 80? _______________________
7. In the next lab simulation, what
a. the threshold stimulus? ______ V
b. voltage when recruitment was obvious?
______ V
c. voltage when all motor units were
recruited? ______ V
8. a. In the Length-Tension Relationship
experiment, at what degree of stretch
was the maximum tension developed? _______________________________
b. What would congestive heart failure
be an example of?