Carolina A
& T State University
Department of Human Performance & Leisure Studies
PHED 569: Assessment and Evaluation in Physical Education
Fall 2005
11:00AM -12:20 PM
Brenda Swearingin, Ph.D.
Office: 206 Corbett Sport
Phone: 334-7712 (Office)
Office Hours:
M/W 10-11 AM & 2:30 – 3 PM
T/Th 1:00 – 2:20 PM
Or by appointment
Course Overview:
PHED 569 provides an introduction
to research, measurement, and evaluation in Physical Education and Recreation. The course includes an overview of research
topics and methods, measurement and evaluation techniques and guidelines, and emphasizes application of research, measurement
and evaluation in exercise, sport and physical education settings.
Course Objectives: Through the course lectures, readings and assignments,
you should:
Understand topics, methods and uses of research in Physical
Understand concepts and techniques of measurement, assessment
and evaluation in Physical Education
Develop your ability to use research and measurement techniques
in Physical Education
Develop your ability to think critically and evaluate
research and measurement in Physical Education
Develop your ability to use research and instructional
technology and resources in Physical Education
NCATE Guidelines: 23
SDPI Guidelines: 1.5, 2.4, 3.7, 4.1, 4.2, 5.6, 6.10, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3., 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 16.1, 17.1, 17.2, 19.1,
19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5, 19.6, 20.1, 20.1, 21.3, 21.4, 21.7, 21.8, 22.2.
ACSM KSA Criteria: 1.11.9 and 1.3.14
Prerequisite: Junior standing; HPED and SSFM Majors only
Course Text: Thomas, J.R., Nelson, J.K. & Silverman S. J., (2005). Research Methods in Physical Activity. (5th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Readings on Reserve (and e-reserves) in library:
Miller, D.K. (2002). Measurement
by the Physical Educator: Why and How. (4th ed.).
New York: WCB Mc Graw-Hill.
Ainsworth, B. (1998). “Measurement
of Physical Activity Questionnaires” (Research
Robertson, F.L. Goss, et al. (2000). Children’s OMNI Scale of Perceived Exertion: Mixed gender and race validation.
Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, 32, 452-458. (pp. 452-453 on reserve).
Blackboard web address:
Supplies: 3.5 floppy disk; hand-held calculator (non-programmable), graph
Attendance/Preparation/Academic Integrity: Attendance
and participation is expected in all classes. Students should plan to devote 2-3 hours outside of class for each hour in class
(6-9 hours per week) to master the course content and complete assignments. In the event of absence due to illness or university-sponsored
trips, students are responsible for notifying the instructor in advance, reviewing class material, and completing all assignments
by the due date.
The NC A&T
Academic Dishonesty Policy guides all work in this course:
Students are responsible for reading and understanding this policy and must sign the honor statement
“I have abided by the academic dishonesty policy on this assignment”
on all work submitted in this course.
Course Evaluation: Class sessions will include active participation as
well as lecture/discussion. Several assignments involve in-class activity and discussion; and attendance and participation
is expected. Other assignments will involve application of material covered in class and may involve use of the web and other
outside resources.
Grading:(100 pts.; 90+ = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C,
60-69 = D, below 60 = F)
Labs/Graded Assignments:
30 pts.
S/U assignments
10 pts.
In-class quizzes (4)
20 pts.
Mid-term Exam
20 pts.
Final Exam
20 pts.
Exam/Assignment Topics/Schedule (tentative)
Quizzes: 4 in-class quizzes will be given. These will be
objective exams given during the first 30 minutes of class. Tentative dates for
the quizzes are on the course calendar.
Mid-term and Final
Exams: Both the mid-term and final exams will be take-home (specific instructions
for completing the exams will be given at least one week in advance). Tentative
due dates are: Oct 19 (class after fall break) and Dec 5, noon (Thursday of exam week).
Graded Assignments/Labs: Several out-of class assignments will be given. Most involve practice and application of course
content. Specific instructions will be given as the related material is covered
in class. Tentative assignments/labs include: 1) library resources, 2) research
abstract review, 3) research article review, 4) interview and report, 5) observation and report, 6) statistics lab
Non-graded Class
Activities and Assignments: Several classes will involve practice with research
and measurement techniques, discussion of issues, or group activities in addition to standard lectures. We will also use the web and out-of-class resources. Class
information and activities will be posted on the course Blackboard site. You
may be required to complete some out-of-class activities (usually with Blackboard) that will NOT be graded on a letter-grade
basis, but will be marked as S/U. Students who complete all in-class and out-of-class
non-graded activities will receive full credit (10 points) and partial credit will be given for partial completion.