Interactive CV

First Aid

HPED 570
Self Paced Learning Sample
HPED 442
Sample Rubric
HPED 731
HPED 105
HPED 569
HPED 445
National Endocrine Presentation
Public Health Forum, Greensboro, NC, 2006
Statement of Teaching Philosophy
Health Disparities Grant- Healthy Lifestyles
USDA Grant- Baseline College Obesity-Related Risk
Prevalence of Type II Risk in Elderly
Lifestyle Activity vs. Traditional Activity & Obesity-Related Risk Factors


North Carolina A & T State University

                                            Health, Physical Education and Recreation



                                                                Course Syllabus


Course Number: PHED 442              

Course Title: First Aid and Safety   

Credit Hours: 2(1-2)

Instructor: Brenda Swearingin, G-01a Corbett, 334-7712, Email -

Office hours: M/W 1:30-3 pm, T/R 10:30-11 am & 4:30-5:30 pm, F 8-10 am, or by appointment




This course is designed to study emergency first aid care leading to American Red Cross certification in Community First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.  It also identifies practices and behaviors that promote safety in the home, school and community.


***The American Red Cross in Greensboro charges a $5.00 administrative fee for certification     cards.  It is highly recommended that the student participate in the certification process in                 Community First Aid and Safety.



As a result of completing this course, the student should be able to:


1.         Demonstrate adequate knowledge of accident, injury or illness conditions requiring first aid care.


2.         Demonstrate adequate knowledge of general and specific first aid principles and procedures.


3.         Demonstrate adequate skill proficiency in treating selected conditions/injuries such as examining vital signs, bandaging, and wrapping-splinting-slinging.


4.         Demonstrate adequate knowledge of conditions requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


5.         Demonstrate adequate knowledge of cardiopulmonary care and resuscitation.


6.         Demonstrate adequate skill proficiency in administering rescue breathing, first aid for choking, and one- rescurer cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


7.         Demonstrate adequate knowledge of safety principles, safety hazards and measures of preventing common accidents.


8.         Demonstrate adequate knowledge in preparing a basic first aid kit.



REQUIRED TEXTBOOK                             

American Red Cross (2005). First Aid: Responding to emergencies, (4th Ed.). San Bruno, CA: Staywell




      The final grade will be based upon:


                                    1. Quiz 1                       5%

2. Quiz 2                       5%

3. Quiz 3                       5%

4. Quiz 4                       5%

5. Quiz 5                       5%

6. Test 3A                    10%    Total 100%

    Test 3B                   10%

                                    7. Test 4                      10%

                                    8. Test 5                      10%

                                    9. Test 6A                      5%

    Test 6B                   10%

          10. Skills Completion    20% 


Quiz 1 – Ch 1-3.


Quiz 2 – Ch 3-5.


            Quiz 3 – Ch 6-9.


Quiz 4 – Ch 10-14.


Quiz 5 – Ch 15-19.


Test 3A & B

Test 3A is 30 multiple choice questions (American Red Cross Comprehensive Tests) on pages 1-127 (Adult CPR; Child & Infant CPR) in the American Red Cross Book. (You must score 80 or above on this section to recieve certification in Adult, Infant and Child CPR). 

Test 3B is 20 completion questions based on the application of the performance skills covered in chapters 1-9.


Test 4

Ch 10-14 in the American Red Cross Book and class notes.


Test 5

Ch. 15-19 in the American Red Cross Book and class notes.


Test 6A & B

Test 6A is 20 multiple choice questions (American Red Cross Comprehensive Test)  (First Aid). (You must score 80 or above on this section to receive certification in (Community First Aid).

Test 6B is 20 completion questions based on the application of the first aid skills.







Performance Skills - Completion of Performance Skills


Rescue, child, infant              

            Choking Victim -, child, infant                            

Choking Victim -, child, infant                                        

One Rescurer, child, infant                                                                         First Aid Skills....................................TBA

***Daily class participation is required.


Grading Scale


A = 90          B = 80 - 89          C = 70 - 79          D = 60 - 69          F = 59-


*  A complete course syllabus is available at the instructor's office.


Attendance:  All university policies concerning class attendance and student responsibilities can be found in the student handbook. Excessive tardiness will be noted, and the student will not be noted to be in “full-attendance”(– specifically because it would be impossible to determine the information that the student missed due to his/her tardiness). Penalties for absences will be enforced as needed on an individual basis, should absences or tardies become an issue with any student.




The University is committed to the principal that regular and punctual class attendance is essential to the students' optimum scholastic achievement.  An absence, excused or unexcused does not relieve the student of any course requirement.

Regular class attendance is a student obligation, and a student is responsible for all the work, including tests and written work, of all class meetings.


                                                 INSTRUCTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY


1.             Description of attendance requirements should be stated in the course syllabus and announced in class, particularly at the beginning of each term.  If class attendance is to affect a student's course grade, then a statement to that affect must be part of the course syllabus distributed to each student.

2.             Instructors will keep attendance records in all classes.  Each instructor has the right to prescribe procedures as to how and when attendance will be taken.


                                                     STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILTY


It is the responsibility of each student to learn and comply with the requirements set by the instructor for each class in which one is registered.  Additionally, each student has the following responsibilities: 


1.             The student should have knowledge of each instructor's attendance and monitoring practices for class absences during the term.

2.             The student should become familiar with all materials covered in each course during absences and make-up any work required by the instructor.

3.             The student should initiate the request to make-up work on the first day of class attendance after the absence.

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