Interactive CV

HPED 570
Self Paced Learning Sample
HPED 442
Sample Rubric
HPED 731
HPED 105
HPED 569
HPED 445
National Endocrine Presentation
Public Health Forum, Greensboro, NC, 2006
Statement of Teaching Philosophy
Health Disparities Grant- Healthy Lifestyles
USDA Grant- Baseline College Obesity-Related Risk
Prevalence of Type II Risk in Elderly
Lifestyle Activity vs. Traditional Activity & Obesity-Related Risk Factors




Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am-9:20am

Classroom: Corbett- G-07  Office: Corbett G-01


Course Description: This course provides theoretical and practical experience in studying biomechanical concepts as they apply to movement in humans.  


Instructor: Brenda Swearingin 

                  Office: 334-7712


                  Office Hours: M/W 10-11am, 2:30-3 pm & Tues/Thurs 1-2:20 pm or by     

                  appointment (334-7712)


Required Textbook:

Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System. (2001).


Recommended Resources:

 (CD) The Dynamic Human CD-ROM Version 1 (Visual guide to anatomy & physiology)

This disc generally accompanies the text when ordered at the University Bookstore.


Prerequisites: BIO 469,560 (Anatomy & Physiology)


Students are expected to have developed certain competencies necessary for success in college. If you have not developed the competencies needed to function at this level, you will be required to do so, in order to pass this course. For this reason, referrals to the writing center are required.


Students with identified or suspected disabilities of any kind should contact Peggy Oliphant at the Office of Veteran and Disability Support Services in Murphy Hall. No special arrangements will be made for any student unless the instructor is contacted directly via official request from this office.


Competencies:  This course is designed to provide instruction related to the following competencies:

·         SPDI CERTIFICATION in Physical Education- 4.8, 4.9, 5.6, 7.2, 7.3, 13.1, 13.3, 19.1, 19.7, 20.3, 21.1, 21.6, 22.2.

·         NCATE/NASPE Physical Education Specialty Area- 6 & 7.

·         NTE Specialty area of Physical Education- II.C, V. A-E, VI.B,C.

Technology Competencies

All projects and assignments for this course must be done using word procession, saved on disk for the class portfolio and a hard copy turned in for evaluation.  Changes or corrections are done on the original files with a hard copy of the assignment handed in and the new file saved on disk.

The following technology competencies are expected:

3.1                 Enter and edit text and copy and move block of text.

3.4                 Check spelling, grammar, word usage.

3.9                 Terms such as cursor, format, font, style, header, footer, spelling checker.


Library research and information sources project/assignments include the location of web sites and explanation of what they have to offer.

The following technology competencies are expected:

3.3                 Access and use resources on the internet and world wide web.

3.4                 Terms such as telecommunications, direct access, dial-in access, modem, baud rate, internet, world wide web.

All assignments shall be completed in a professional manner.  Each assignment must be word processed, double-spaced with appropriate margins, have the appropriate coversheet, and be stapled.  Format of assignments will be reviewed on the first day of class. All work turned in for grading must meet these standards.


Diversity Competencies

As a result of this course students should become familiar with issues of diversity as they relate to kinesiology and its application in physical education, exercise and sport science. Students will be able to recognize and compensate for individual differences in physical skill, as well as work cooperative in a diverse environment of students, teachers and colleagues.


Course Knowledge Based Objectives

As a result of this course the student should be able to demonstrate competency with respect to the following items related to kinesiology and its application in physical education, exercise and sport science:


1.        Be familiar with (define) terminology and abbreviations of the discipline. (Quiz, Exam)

2.        Understand the theory and application of biomechanics to various physical activities and sports. (Quiz, Exam, Project, Labs)

3.        Understand problems of designing and conducting biomechanics investigations of physical activity and sport. (Quiz, Exam, Project. Labs)


Course Disposition Objectives

As a result of this course the student should develop, organized and articulate a theories and philosophies related to kinesiology and its application in physical education, exercise and sport science:


  1. Each student will create a portfolio of their work throughout the semester that demonstrates mastery of the standards outlined in this course. (Assignments, Quizzes, Labs & Project)
  2. Each student will design and present a research proposal for self-directed analysis of a research problem related to kinesiology and its application in physical education, exercise and sport science. (Project)
  3. Students will be assigned periodic readings, for which they will compose critical and reflected responses. (Assignments & Exams)
  4. Each laboratory will be administered cooperatively by groups of students, who will then write individual reports concerning findings for each investigation. (Labs & Project)


Course Skill Objectives

As a result of this course the student should develop the following skills related to kinesiology and its application in physical education, exercise and sport science:

  1. Perform basic assessments of biomechanics and analyze results. (Quiz, Exam, Project, Labs)
  2. Be able to apply mechanical principles to the study of internal and external forces acting on the human body, and the effects produced by these forces. (Quiz, Exam)
  3. Be able to analyze human biomechanics qualitatively and quantitatively. (Quiz, Exam)
  4. Be able to administer various tests and measurements to address qualitative and quantitative biomechanical research problems. (Labs & Projects)




Assignments: Topical assignments will be given throughout the semester in the following forms: 

1.         Abstracts:  An abstract is a brief summary of an article that allows the reader general information about methodology, population description, analysis and results.  You will be asked to research and summarize articles from a scientific journal.  You must make sure you do not plagiarize the current abstract, as that constitutes cheating.  I will hand out a scientific article that has an acceptably written abstract for you to preview.

2.    Class participation: You are expected to participate in all class activities and discussions. (2 pts/class)             

3.        Laboratory meetings: You must attend all laboratory meetings and complete assignments as instructed.

(20pts/lab = 60pts)

4.        Portfolio: You will maintain a portfolio of your work throughout the semester on disk.  This will contain all of your assignments from the semester, and will be turned in for a final grade prior to the final class period of the semester. (50 pts for 1 completed portfolio)

5.        Exams: You will have 4 examinations worth 100 points each and 1 Final Cumulative Examination worth 150 points.

7.        Quizzes:  You will have several unannounced quizzes worth at least 100 points total.


Attendance*:  All university policies concerning class attendance and student responsibilities can be found in the student handbook. Excessive tardiness will be noted, and the student will not be noted to be in “full-attendance”(– specifically because it would be impossible to determine the information that the student missed due to his/her tardiness).


Laboratory Sessions: Students attending a lab sessions must be prepared for that session. Students who are unfamiliar with protocol or objectives will not be allowed to participate in the lab session.


Academic Dishonesty Policy: The academic policy concerning dishonesty can be found in the student handbook.  Make no mistake, cheating, plagiarism, or any effort to undermine the integrity of your work (as outlined in the handbook) will not be tolerated.  Any student found in violation of this code will receive and automatic “F” for the course and be immediately referred to the department chairperson and dean of their respective school for further action.


Evaluation:  The final grade in this course will be posted according to the following criterion:


·         Examinations (3)                                           =300pts.

·         Quizzes                                                          =100pts.

·         Presentation(1)                                             =150pts.

·         Written Assignments                                  =200pts.

·         Cumulative Final Exam                                =150pts.

TOTAL                                                          =900pts


*FINAL GRADING: A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69% and F=0-59%




Exception to Final Examination: Any student holding an “A” average, with all assignments completed and turned in prior to the final class period, and, having missed no more than one (1) class will be EXCUSED from taking the final examination.


*Note:  All majors are required to attain a grade of a “C or better for this course.



Expectations: The following minimum standards will be expected from each class participant:

·         Prepare for class by reading all assigned material.

·         Study all information included in each section prior to the exam day

·         Complete and turn in all assignments on time.

·         Maintain your portfolio and be prepared to hand it in prior to the last class period of the semester.

·         Be honest in all academic endeavors with respect to your and your classmate’s work.

·         Take pride in your knowledge and your work as you accomplish it in this class.


Great Expectations: The following will aid in your quest for an success in this class and the mastery of the concepts of physiology as it applies to exercise:

·         Outline each reading assignment before the class period in which it will be discussed.

·         Do chapter study questions and define key terms as an aid to test preparation.

·         Develop a personalized method of developing your knowledge of material (i.e., index cards, acronyms for laws and processes, re-copying notes, etc.)

·         Read, read, and read, articles that relate to topics being discussed in class- browse the stacks in the library or visit professional Internet sites.

If you fail to turn in an assignment in time for credit, do the assignment anyway and turn it in. Do more than is expected of you: make yourself proud.


Methods of Instruction

This course involves two primary methods (1) lecture and (2) lab.  The lecture portion of the course includes (1) assigned readings from the text, (2)Powerpoint presentations, (3) homework assignments, and (4) questions and discussion related to readings and presentations. Powerpoint presentations will be posted on the course BlackBoard site each week.


You are encouraged to complete the reading assignment and to review the related Powerpoint presentation that is posted on this site before each class.  Reading and homework assignments will also utilize web-based materials available on the textbook website.  You should sign on to this website, complete the login procedure, and become familiar with the features available to you.  Lecture will often begin with a review of questions from students regarding the reading assignment and items on the quiz.  The web-based resources provide a refreshing and lively addition to the lectures to stimulate student interest and to serve as the focus for discussions beyond that of the text.   The first 11 weeks of the course will relate directly to the text readings and related course website materials.  Lectures from weeks 12-15 involve application of principles studied in weeks 1-11 to fitness, throwing, and gait.  These lectures will include reading materials other than the textbook and are on reserve in the library.  Three exams are given covering course content from weeks 1-5, 6-10, and 11-15.  The final exam is comprehensive.


Laboratory experiences complement the lectures in three ways:  (1) review concepts previously learned in prerequisite courses, e.g. human body and physics; (2) provide a first-hand experience with concepts presented in lecture to enable a more complete and deeper understanding, and (3) introduce students to measurement and analysis methods commonly used in biomechanics of human movement. 


NOTE: Course materials can be found the BlackBoard Site for this course.



Plagiarism, taking someone else's intellectual work and presenting it as your own, covers unpublished and published sources.  Borrowing another's term paper, handing in a paper purchased from an individual or agency, or submitting papers from living group, club, or organization files are all punishable as plagiarism. The standard for attribution and acknowledgement of literary indebtedness is set by each discipline. Students should consult with their department or with recognized handbooks in their field if in doubt. The guidelines apply to faculty and research assistants in their possible use of students' and colleagues' research and ideas, as well as to students' use of source materials and authorities, and student use of other students' ideas and work.


Other Forms of Academic Cheating

                Other forms of academic dishonesty subject to penalties include, but are not limited to, consultation of books, library materials, or notes during a test; use of crib sheets or hidden notes during an examination or looking at another student's test; having a confederate supply questions or answers from an examination to be given or in progress; having another person stand in on an exam or other graded activity; deliberate falsification of lab results; submission of falsified data; procurement or alteration, without permission, of examinations or other academic exercises; collaborating on projects where collaboration is forbidden; and other forms of academic dishonesty and fraud.


RULE #1 (and only): Do nothing that will impede your (or your classmates’) success.






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